Toppoint isn't it fate at Foxhope
Teal is Foxhopes gundogs biggest asset she is highly driven and very intelligent works all day in easy or hard covers and never misses a bird whether runner or cold. She is very biddable to train and is so smart you only have to show her once. Competed in Novice tests however not trials yet due to work commitments and home moves. Teals next litter will not be until 2025 and this will be something to look outdoor as a very exiting paring is planned. Teal is very special to me and the key member to my team she is the one I send when I need brains, brawn and the one I need when all others have missed. when she goes into a cover you no nothing will get past her nose.
SD2 Clear
PRA Clear
CNM Clear
HKPM Clear
EIC Clear
Eyes: Clear
Hips 6/4
Elbows 0/0

Foxhopes Athena
Date of Birth: 15/03/2022
Sika, A daughter to my two main dogs, Boss and Teal. The girl with the nose and drive off her mother but the biddability of her dad. She marks dummies at an amazing distance and never gives up when hunting, She's had her first real test out picking up this season after her first season of just watching the drives, hr ability to find birds I didn't no was there is something I could have only dreamed off. She's the dog you can watch her natural hunting ability come to life on the shoot field and is slowly replacing her mother as top hunter. I can wait for the future seasons with this girl given her first ever bird she found was a grouse which if you have ever had a grouse day aren't called the king of game birds for their easiness.
Health testings:
SD2 Hereditary Clear
PRA Hereditary Clear
CNM Hereditary Clear
HKPM Hereditary Clear
EIC Hereditary Clear
Eyes: Clear
Hips: 7/4
Elbows: 0/0

Auchterpiros Linguine at Foxhope
(Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla)
Neith named after the Egyptian goddess of the hunt, She is a loving goofball who is great with anyone she meets, her beautiful kind temperament means she is a pleasure to train and be in the company off. You will always leave smiling when in her presents, This year was her first season out and she really has excelled into a really confident lady. She works totally different to the labs and if your like me, really unwilling to go down the spaniel route, these are the perfect fit. she finds what those have missed and always returns with the happiest of attitudes. She is an amazing family dog having been brought up with a small child and they really are bomb proof. Her love for children really is something I would be proud to put to the test.
Health Tests:
HUU Hereditary clear
Hips : 2/2
Elbows 0/0